Creating good habits such as exercising regularly or eating a well-balanced diet is something we should all strive to do; these habits lead to a healthier lifestyle. According to the health belief model, people who believe that certain behaviors are healthy are more likely to engage in healthy behaviour.
How are habits formed?
When we take on a new task, our brains begin working hard trying to process this new information. As we begin to grasp these new tasks, the behavior starts to become automatic and the brainpower required to accomplish the given task decreases. For example, the first time you rode a bike was probably a difficult process, but with repetition it became easier. Nowadays, you likely get on a bike without giving it too much thought.
Creating a healthy routine of exercising on a regular basis can help make it a habitual part of your life. If your goal is to lose weight and maintain a good body weight, developing a plan can help you get started.
Developing a plan:
- Create goals that are realistic and achievable
- Seek friends, family, etc., who are looking to accomplish similar goals. They will hold you accountable and be your support network
- Keep a training log so you can keep track of your improvements
- Do not be discouraged if you veer off course. Setbacks will happen, just pick up where you left off.

References Available from the SIRC Collection:
1. Anshel M. A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach for Promoting Exercise
Behavior: The Disconnected Values Model. Journal Of Sport Behavior. June
2. Burns B. ACCESSIBLE GOLF. When Routine Becomes First Nature. Palaestra.
March 2012;26(2):58-59.
3. Creatures of Habit: Is Habit Formation Related to Exercise
Behavior?. Journal Of Sport & Exercise Psychology. December
August 2008;36(6):121-126.
5. Verhoeven A, Adriaanse M, Evers C, de Ridder D. The power of
habits: Unhealthy snacking behaviour is primarily predicted by habit strength. British
Journal Of Health Psychology. November 2012;17(4):758-770.
6. Yazel L. In a rut? break your ROUTINE!. Shape. October
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