Career-long learning is essential for coaches to stay relevant and up-to-date on their sport and its practices. Gaining years of experience as a coach is essential to progress in terms of professional development but if career-long learning is not on the radar, it can mean passing up chances for you and your athletes to grow. Here are some ideas on how to expand your knowledge:
- Try mentoring - Mentoring can be highly effective in coach development since it can expand your knowledge base by exposing you to a variety of styles, skills and techniques learned by others.
- Reflective practice - There is always room for improvement! During practice or even competition, coaches can reflect on their own performance, rethink their actions, and learn from the experience. If taking a notebook along to write down your ideas for change helps you out, take one along.
- Look for educational opportunities - Sign yourself up to meet new people and hear different perspectives, whether it's a webinar, conference, workshop or joining an association; surround yourself with others in your field.
References from the SIRC Collection:
1. Callary B, Werthner P. Exploring the Learning Environment of Women Coaches. Canadian Journal For Women In Coaching. July 2011;11(3):1-7.
2. Cushion C, Armour K, Jones R. Coach education and continuing professional development: experience and learning to coach. Quest (00336297). August 2003;55(3):215-230.
3. Nash C, Sproule J, Callan M, McDonald K, Cassidy T. Career Development of Expert Coaches. International Journal Of Sports Science & Coaching. March 2009;4(1):121-138.
4. Norman L. Developing female coaches: strategies from women themselves. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Health, Sport & Physical Education. December 2012;3(3):227-238.
5. Thibert H. Developing Your Coaching Philosophy. Olympic Coach. Fall2008 2008;20(4):24-26.
6. Werthner P, Trudel P. Investigating the Idiosyncratic Learning Paths of Elite Canadian Coaches. International Journal Of Sports Science & Coaching. September 2009;4(3):433-449.
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