Thursday, May 6, 2010

Don’t Get a Bruisin’ While You’re Cruisin’ ~ Wear a Helmet!

As the weather gets warmer more bicycles are on the road. It is an excellent form of transportation, exercise and a great way to spend time with family and friends. Keeping safe while you are out riding is very important, broken bones and concussion are not fun. One of the best ways to prevent injury is to wear a helmet and learn bike safety.

Did you know that the skull can be cracked going at speeds of 7-10km/hr? This is the speed at which most children go on wheels. Six of the seven provinces and territories have created Bike Helmet Legislation to protect their residents. Depending on where you live you could be fined from up to $128.75. Although cycling injuries have been declining over the years Transportation Canada statistics estimate that there are approximately 7,500 each year.

There are many helmet choices out there. It is important to get the right fit. An excellent resource to help select how to fit a helmet and what type helmet should be used for activities is A Parent’s Guide to Helmet and Recreational Safety. Things to look for are position, pad placement, straps and overall tightness. Also, the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute posted a summary of the 2009 Consumer Reports’ review article of kids bicycle helmets.

Wearing a helmet is an easy way to stay safe while having fun. There are many community organizations available to teach bike safety. For more information check out the Canadian Cycling Association’s CAN-BIKE program which offers classes for kids and adults at all skill levels.

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