While some athletes may not be sensitive to changes in their schedule, others can be exceptionally sensitive and a change in their usual food habits can result in sudden weight gains or losses, constipation, fatigue/energy and dehydration.
What can you do?
- Research food availablity - Will there be supermarkets nearby? Is there cooking equipment available? Once you have an idea of what's in the neighbourhood you'll be able to decide on what to stock up on when you arrive.
- Stay hydrated - This is especially important if you are traveling by plane. Take a water bottle everywhere you go so it's easily accessible; the body needs 2-3 litres of water a day, more if you are training heavily. Also be aware of any water safety issues, and bring bottled water as necessary.
- Take food with you - Keep some protein bars, breakfast cereal, and various snacks in your pack so that no matter where you are, you will always have something nutritious to eat.
- Take a multivitamin - These can be used when your nutritional intake may not be adequate and will ensure you get the minimum level of vitamins and minerals.
- Know what to do if you get an upset stomach - This is always a risk when traveling internationally, especially when our bodies get introduced to new food, water and time zones. If you do feel ill, it's important to keep eating simple carbohydrates, like toast, bread, rice or crackers. Avoid dairy and alcohol as these can make an upset stomach worse. Once again, stay hydrated.

References from the SIRC Collection:
1. Burrell S. Eating right on the road. Australian Tennis Magazine: Asia & The Pacific. September 2012;37(9):49.
2. Cort M. Travel Nutrition Strategies. Modern Athlete & Coach. April 2007;45(2):15-16.
3. Korzun A. Travel nutrition…more than just a "Plan B". Olympic Coach. Summer2008 2008;20(3):19.
4. Reilly T, Waterhouse J, Burke L, Alonso J. Nutrition for travel. Journal Of Sports Sciences. December 2, 2007;25:125-134.
5. Skolnik H. Sport nutrition in a fast-food society: eating on the road. Athletic Therapy Today. November 1999;4(6):22-26.
6. Yrjovuori M. Taking It on the Road. Volleyball. October 2009;20(10):21-22.
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