We often speak about the significance
that participating in sport brings to improving our well-being socially,
mentally and spiritually. But on the
competition side, those involved in sport are also always looking for ways to
improve their performance, which will range from the psychology and physiology of sport to
improving the equipment used. These tools of the trade not only include moving
the human body faster and higher, but also refining any equipment used to transport
the body towards superior performances. Skates, pole vault poles, skis and
running shoes are just a few examples of the type of apparatus utilized by
The SAIT incremental strategy was to buy technology (i.e. equipment) from other countries and then reverse engineer their sleds. Also vital to the process was that the design team, including journeymen machinists and welders, had to actually slide their prototypes down a sliding course so that they fully understood the experience. So extraordinary is their contribution to the sliding world, the advancements accomplished at SAIT, in conjunction with Canada’s Own the Podium (OTP), was featured by the Discovery Channel.
Using research and
development to change equipment - construction design and materials - is one very
essential tactic to keep competing athletes on the cutting edge, giving them an
advantage on the world stage.
For more information on sports
research and development, please visit SIRC.