- Challenge 1: Knowing the Game. Knowing the “how” and “why” of rehab engages the athlete in the process.
- Challenge 2: Identifying Goals. Understanding the “how” of rehab invests the athlete in the process.
- Challenge 3: Visualizing the Plan. “See, believe & achieve”.
- Challenge 4: Focusing on Thinking. Thinking about the right thing, at the right time, in the right way.
- Challenge 5: Managing Emotions. Channeling and modulating emotions (positive and negative) energizes rehabilitation.
- Challenge 6: Playing with Pain. Differentiate performance pain from injury and adjust accordingly.
- Challenge 7: Training with Intensity. Working smarter through physiological conditioning (intensity) and biomechanical precision.
- Challenge 8: Calculating Risk. Decision-making based upon knowledge of ability, intensity and pain.
- Challenge 9: Staying Mentally Tough. Turning negative momentum into positive by having the courage to take control of what can be controlled (personal thoughts, feelings, and actions).
- Challenge 10: Self-Actualizing. Personal growth and development in the pursuit of excellence.
While meeting these challenges can help an injured athlete face their recovery with a sense of purpose and direction, they are also applicable to anyone facing adversity and looking for a positive way to move forward.
Order the full article from SIRC: Heil, John (2009). Sport Psychology and the Injured Athlete. American Fencing, 59(3), 30.
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