Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that everyone is, on average, about six
steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person on Earth. The ability to successfully network in the sports world is a talent on its own, and is
one that is a necessary component to supporting a career in coaching, sports administration, communications or marketing, along with many more areas. The world is a much smaller place now due to the advents of technology, and there is an entire generation who do not understand the value of face-to-face networking. So exactly what is this and how
do you do it?

Like all worthy relationships, a network of
friends and colleagues needs to be maintained and nurtured. It is important to
not hide behind your computer and text messaging every day and get out there to actually
meet people face-to-face. This will pay off in the long run!
Some key tips to successful networking include:
- Stay in
touch with people you like even if they can’t help you right now.
- When at a
function, make efforts to speak with people you don’t know. Sit at a table to eat with strangers. Do not cling
to your friends and colleagues.
- Really
listen when someone is speaking with you and cue off their comments to
keep the conversation going. Ask open ended questions.
- Remember
a person’s name using it frequently during your conversation. They like
- Utilize
your passion about a topic to share a story. Your energy will be
- If you are extremely shy, do not let this handcuff you. Seek some guidance to find the right tools for you to overcome this.
For more information on networking and careers in sport,
please visit SIRC.
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