Communication was flowing at the pre-conference workshop hosted by SIRC yesterday for the SCRI (Sport Canada Research Imitative) conference. The purpose of the workshop was to create a forum through which the sport and fitness community, policy-makers and researchers can bridge the gap between research needs and actualization of those needs. The goal was to create a setting wherein practitioners (sport and fitness community) could communicate the type of information needs they had, how they were currently using research and address the transfer of knowledge.
Highlights include:
- Connecting people. Identifying the researchers and people looking to have research done.
- Partnerships. Working together in collaboration with the ability to listen and compromise.
- Community involvement. Getting the information that is needed to the community coach and parent.
- Practical information. Make it relevant to people to that they can incorporate it into their programs.
- Identifying barriers. What stops people participate in sport? Capacity? Quality of experience? Non-inclusive programs?
It was a fast pace two hours of discussion resulting in fantastic ideas. Thanks to all that participated, your feedback was amazing.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
SCRI Pre-Conference Workshop
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
SIRC at the PHE /Ophea Conference

Many other groups came up to talk with us as well so we were able to learn about many great programs that are going on including:
- Environment Canada providing a weather radio to all schools
- Run for Life a free program encouraging youth to be active through running
- KinBall and JumpStart partnering to provide kits for schools to start the sport
- Canadian SADS Foundation providing seminars to raise awareness of Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes
It was a fantastic time and we’re looking forward to blogging more about some of the things we learned.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Injury Risk for Female Athletes
With the growing numbers of female participants in sport and exercise there is a corresponding incidence of injury to females. In a review of the literature the article observes that women have greater injury incidence due to differences in:
- biomechanics (the most noticeable factor),
- weakness in local musculature,
- coordination and neuromuscular fatigue,
- ligament and tendon properties,
- increased flexibility (with corresponding greater joint laxity),
- hormonal effects on connective tissue.
Injuries that are more common for women than men include:
- musculoskeletal injuries
- lower extremity injuries
- ACL injuries
- stress fractures
While there are treatments that address the specific needs of the female athlete, both men and women can benefit from the same preventive measures such as adequate stretching, appropriate warm-up and cool-down, sport-specific strengthening, and conditioning exercises. It is important however, to keep in mind the specific physiological differences when planning fitness and sporting activities.
Reference: Groeger Marlelena (2010). Injury Risks for the Female Athlete, ACSM’s health & fitness journal, 14(4), 14-21.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Bone Health and Calcium
Paying attention to bone health should be a life-long effort. Whether you have young developing bones or you are concerned about developing bone issues such as osteoporosis, bones require a matching life-long intake of calcium.
Reference from the SIRC Collection: Clark, Nancy (2009). Calcium concerns. Ultr-FIT, 19(8), 40-41.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Renewal Time … Is the Canadian Sport Policy working?
Folks from across Canada have been meeting to discuss the Canadian Sport Policy. In 2012, the ten year term of the current policy is ending. Should we continue as is? Should there be no Policy? Should we adopt Canadian Sport for Life? Do the current four pillars (Participation, Excellence, Capacity and Interaction) reflect Canadian society now? These are some of the questions the federal and provincial/territorial governments are now considering.
Sport Canada and the Sport Matters Group have been asking for thoughts from Canadians on the Policy. Here are some of the suggestions so far:
- Extending the vision of the Sport Policy to incorporate the social development aspects of sport such as community involvement, immigration, and education
- Adding Community Building as a fifth pillar
- Evaluate what is meant by ‘participation’ to incorporate unstructured and informal sport
- Incorporate the language of Canadian Sport 4 Life
Do you want to find out more? The summary of findings from the community engagement and the consultation process are available online as well as the reports from the working groups, consultation papers and more.
Read the documents and if you have thoughts now is the time to get them out there to be heard.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Physical Education and Physical Literacy
Attention towards understanding youth physical fitness in relation to health has developed in the last few years. With this in mind, educators are seeking a curriculum with a vision of building physical and health literacy. Students need to be experiencing programs that are more engaging, energizing and personally enriching. Better quality physical education is likely to change the health-related behaviours and attitudes of students, as well as those of their families and communities. Physical literacy is a term that is not always easy to understand. Physical and Health Education Canada defines being physically literate as: an individual who moves with competence in a wide variety of physical activities that benefit the development of the whole person. Physically literate individuals are able to demonstrate a variety of movements confidently, competently, creatively and strategically across a wide range of health related physical activities.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Are you an Active Couch Potato?

Sedentary behavior (i.e. sitting) can lead to obesity and other metabolic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and breast and colon cancer. Addressing too much sitting has become a population health issue and countries including Canada are looking at practical and policy approaches. Several suggestions on changing how much we sit include:
- Innovative Technology such as desks that change height
- Regulations to break up job-related sitting
- Promoting active transport
Organizations such as the Alberta Centre for Active Living offer suggestions for physical activity at work including:
- Yoga at your desk
- Stretching at your desk
- Sitting on a stability ball
- Treadmill workstations
It is amazing to think of how much of your day you may sit. Next time you hesitate getting up from your desk, don’t. There could be some health benefits from it!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Hypertension … in kids!

The following steps are recommended so you can monitor and prevent high blood pressure and its risks in children:
- Know your child’s blood pressure. Starting at age 3 blood pressure checks should be part of the annual check up
- Incorporate a regular program of physical activity as part of everyday life
- Plan time away from the house and the television
- Reduce unhealthy eating
- Reduce salt in daily diet
- Include more fruits and vegetables in the diet
According to the report the diagnosis is not a life sentence. A regular program of physical activity for at-risk children can lead to significant reductions in blood pressure and improvements in the health of their arteries.
SIRC Reference: Winslow, Ron. (2010).Doctor’s Focus on Kids’ Blood Pressure. Wall Street Journal, June 29, 2010. Retrieved from the Internet October 6, 2010.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
XIX Commonwealth Games Delhi
With the success of the Opening Ceremonies in Delhi, the XIX Commonwealth Games have officially begun. While the country and operations for the Games have taken a beating for the myriad of difficulties and problems associated with the Games, there are many positive reports coming out of Delhi as the athletes take the stage. Accommodations have come up to par, venues are in good shape and the food in the Athlete’s Village has received good reviews.
The XIX Commonwealth Games in numbers:
- 17 sports
- 272 medal events
- 6,700 athletes and officials
- 71 countries and territories represented
- 400 member Canadian team (athletes, officials and staff)
- 250 Canadian athletes
- Cost estimates for the Games have ranged from US$3 billion to more than $10 billion
- Canada finished 3rd at the 2006 Commonwealth Games with 86 medals
Reports on the Canadian team suggest that the strength of this year's team lays in swimming, diving, weightlifting and wrestling. The team will have the words “laghe raho” written on their uniform. It's a Hindi term which means “be at it.”
So join SIRC in cheering on our team!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Be Confident and Don’t Think Too Much
Sprinters can be found in sports such as swimming, kayak or running and the psychological demands are much different than that of distance athletes. An article recently published in Splash discusses mental tips for sprinters. They may be basic but they cover the essentials.
- Controlling Your Arousal
o You need to find the right balance of adrenaline at the beginning of a race. Too much energy expended is not good but neither is not having enough to get going. - Try Easier
o The harder you try you may compromise your form, easing up may increase speed. - Being Confident
o Low confidence can increase anxiety and negative focus - Determination
o Find our competitiveness and make it a goal to finish the race in the best time you can and out-compete your heat. - Focus
o Don’t over think. Try to get rid of excess worry and have only 1-2 thoughts. Sprinters should have to think as little as possible during the race.
There are lots of resources in the SIRC Collection for mental training from past newsletters to book and articles. For more mental training tips check out email .
Kimball, Amiee C. (2010) Easy Speed: The psychology of Sprinters. Splash. July/Aug, p.18